Copyright © 2011 Peekaboo Sweets

Design By Sabrina Brydson

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A little bit about Peekaboo Sweets…..

Peekaboo Sweets specializes in all things sweet!  More specifically, gourmet cookies and dessert bars.  Peekaboo Sweets was originally dreamt up and created specifically for the star of the show, the Peanut Butter Peekaboo Cookie.  The Peanut Butter Peekaboo needed some friends or should I say back-up dancers or entourage?!  So what better than to add the good ol’ standard, the chocolate chip cookie!  And boy, don’t we make a good one!  To complete the entourage, we added four more delectable dessert bars and Peekaboo Sweets, the business, was born!  We use only the highest quality, all natural ingredients in our cookies and dessert bars.  We make everything in small batches, by hand, to ensure that the best quality product is delivered to our customers.

Stay tuned!  Peekaboo Sweets may be adding to its collection.

Baking alongside my mother was always an enjoyed activity.  I loved the anticipation of the end product and seeing how our creations would turn out.  Plus, when it came to gingerbread men and sugar cookies I was allowed to decorate!  Watch out Martha Stewart!


Fast forward to my early college years, baking became more of a soothing activity to ease a heavy workload, and it was during these years that I began sharing my cookie concoctions with family & friends, who started telling me how they loved the texture and taste of my creations.  The more I baked and perfected each recipe, the more raves I got (talk about positive reinforcement, eh?!).  Since then,  I continue to bake as a creative outlet as well as for its relaxing process - a combination that I always hope results in people enjoying my treats.......OR, perhaps, it's the little bit of magic I have always put into my cookie batches!    


My Peekaboo cookie recipe came to me about 7 years ago as I was looking to expand my repertoire and put even more of myself into my goodies.  I'd like to think that like my own personality (or so I've been told) these little cookie gems are inviting and welcoming in their appearance, with much goodness in their taste, and with a bit of heavenly surprise in each one.   As I further developed the recipe I thought that I really did having something unique and special that people went crazy over.  When I would bring my Peekaboo cookie jar to a party, that jar was always empty within a couple hours.  I would always notice the element of surprise, fun, and enjoyment it brought to my future customers…many whispers of “what did you get…“what did you get?”.  

I had always sort of joked around with friends and family about opening up a Peekaboo shoppe, and starting a cookie business was always one of those “someday I’ll do it” thoughts.   BUT, with encouragement from friends and family I finally decided to go for it!  Armed with only a little money from savings, a very supportive husband, and an extremely generous and supportive mother, I began this Peekaboo Sweets business.  Many years of practice and honing my skills, much focus and perseverance are strong attributes that I hope lend themselves to serving my customers with the best recipes and tastes I can provide… 

Thanks for stopping by and Peekaboo to you!

May you enjoy!!!!!


A little bit about me, the owner.....


I was born and raised in Ballard, a cute little neighborhood of Seattle, WA and home to many fine bakeries.  My mom was and still is an amazing cook and baker, and so it’s no surprise that my love for baking and making people happy with my delectables comes from her.  In addition to cooking and baking, mom would always make sure the cookie jar on top of the refrigerator was full so that I could frequent it (after dinner of course) with or without her permission (yes, on occasion, I would dip my little hands in there even if it was against her wishes…not my fault that there was a chair right next to the refrigerator that tempted easy access for a short little munchkin…sorry mom!)  Little did I know that that cookie jar would play a larger role later in life…